Sunday, October 18, 2009

Snowmobile Club

Last night the Tamarack Sno-Flyers had their annual meeting and election of 3 new board members. I won! I'm now a board member with a 3-year term. At the end of the month we'll have election of officers for the next year and I'm guessing I'll probably retain my secretary position as no one ever wants that job.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Joined a Tuesday night ladies bowling league. It started last Tuesday, but I was sick, so tonight was my first night 1-1/2 years. It's called the Lakers League and I'm on the Thrifty White Pill Rollers team...seems appropriate since I live on a lake and take plenty of pills! The scores weren't too good...90-75-92. I think I may have to get some practice bowling in and maybe a few lessons. My team does the poker hand every game and a lot of things with the lowest score on the first roll of the 5th frame pays 4 quarters (I did that), a gutter ball after a fill pays a quarter (did that one a couple of times), a score of 69 in any frame pays a quarter (did that one too). You also have to pay 2 quarters if someone gets a double. There are all sorts of scenarios. I told them to just let me know when I need to pay. I may have to run a tab and just pay out in dollars at the end of the evening. Oh well, it's all about fun!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Update (just for Nichole)

This isn't too exciting but after having a colonoscopy and an EGD (endoscopy) they found I have an ulcer in my stomach. He said it was most likely caused by the Naproxen I take for arthritis and probably stress. So no more Naproxen or any aspirin like drugs (Ibuprofen, Motrin, etc). I can only take Tylenol for headaches and pain. I'm on 2 drugs for six weeks and then I have to have another EGD. The doctor is pretty sure this should heal it by then.