Sunday, November 9, 2008

Weekend with the granddaughters.

I picked Molly & Meagan up on Friday for my annual granddaugher weekend. Josh goes deer hunting and Kelli enjoys the house to herself. It didn't start out to well as Meagan screamed for awhile when Josh gave her to me. All was fine about 10 minutes later. I had set up the basement as playroom central for the weekend and I actually got a picture of them playing nicely together.
Here's Meagan with the puppy purse and Molly relax'in.
We (Molly & I) only had a few run-ins over using the word "stupid" and her constant singing of the "Trick or Treat, smell my feet" song (thanks Pete for teaching her that one). We struck a deal on time outs for saying stupid when she caught me saying "that was stupid" to myself. All in all I enjoyed the weekend, even being told "Grandma I told you three times" and "Grandma you're hopeless". The things she picks up. Here's one last picture of my little Vikings cheerleaders.
Oh, one last thing. Molly hates meatloaf, but loves hamburgers sliced, aka meatloaf.

1 comment:

Sindi said...

At least she didn't hear you say "what the hell" like Alexis heard me say and asked me "why did you say what the hell sinni?"