Sunday, January 25, 2009

34 days since I last blogged

It's been 34 days since my last blog so here's 34 things that I've done during that time.
1.  Celebrated Christmas with Auntie.
2.  Celebrated Christmas with the Fulton Family.
3.  Celebrated Andrea & Nichole's graduation from nursing school.
4.  Celebrated Meagan's 1st birthday.
5.  Went to Duluth to get groceries for Christmas.
6.  Finished wrapping all for the Christmas presents 
7. and put away all of the wrapping stuff.
8. Cleaned the house.
9.  Prepared the ham and turkey for Christmas dinner on the 27th.
10.  Went to Christmas Eve services at Grace Lutheran Church by myself since Maurice was working.
11.  Attended post Christmas Eve church services at the Non-Denominational Church of Horseshoe Lake Inn.
12.  Attempted to go snowmobiling, but we got both snowmobiles stuck in the deep snow and
13.  I managed to tip mine over.
14.  Kelli, Josh, Molly & Meagan arrived on the 26th for the start of our family Christmas celebration.
15.  Andrea & Carter arrived on the morning of the 27th.
16.  Opened presents.
17.  Played Wii.
18.  Went sledding and snowmobiling.
19.  Kids went home so I had picked up the house and took a nap.
20.  Went to Horseshoe for New Year's Eve.
21.  Went snowmobiling by myself and managed to tip my snowmobile over, again, trying to traverse the ice road on the lake.  Maurice came to my rescue.
22.  Had to go back to work after having 2 weeks off.
23.  Went to the doctor for my knee.  Bad sprain.
24.  Went to the ENT doctor in Duluth to see why I can hardly breathe through my nose.
25.  Worked on my Tamarack Sno-Flyers stuff.
26.  Went to the Tamarack Sno-Flyers meeting.
27.  Celebrated Maurice's birthday by going to the Northern Lights Casino in Walker.
28.  Maurice & I went snowmobiling.  No incidents.
29.  Went to physical therapy for my knee.
30.  Went back to the ENT for CT scan. 
31.  Will be having septoplasty and bilateral inferior turbinate trim on Feb 24th.
32.  Tom & Pam came over and Tom put in a new hard drive on the Dell computer.
33.  Another physical therapy for my knee.
34.  Prepared Lasagna for the weekend.

The kids were here for the weekend.  Kelli, Josh, Andrea & Ryan went to the Brainerd Fishing Extravaganza in -22 weather, while I stayed home with the 3 grandchildren.  

1 comment:

Sindi said...'re saying you've been busy? LOL!