Thursday, July 24, 2008

Thinking of my Dad

Kelli, Josh and the girls were here the week of July 4th. I had bought Molly a "Dora the Explorer" fishing rod and a little tackle box. She was very excited to go fishing with her Dad. Kelli snapped this picture of them walking out to the end of the dock. This reminded me of a picture I had taken of my Dad with Kelli, 28 years ago and the times he would take our girls out fishing with him.

In the summer of 1980, Kelli & I went with my parents to my Aunt & Uncle's cabin in Wisconsin. Kelli was kind of afraid of the water and wouldn't go out fishing with us. My Dad had beached the fishing boat and was working on the poles, etc. Kelli had her innertube on and decided she could sit in the boat as long as it was on shore. This is one of my favorite pictures that I've ever taken. A few years ago I added a border and his rule of fishing...the first one to catch a fish, buys the beer! Dad loved fishing in the summer and the winter. Actually any time of the year he could get on a lake he'd go fishing.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for putting the picture of my frizzy hair on the internet. I feel special!!

Anonymous said...

Awesome picture!

Grandma Bette said...

This was one of my favorite photos. I think we should enter it in a contest also.