Friday, July 25, 2008

Where have people's work ethic gone?

To hell in a hand basket I say!!! Why do people take advantage of the system and get away with it? Why are they ruining it for those of us that abide by the rules? These are the same people who ask for time off and if it's denied, they call in sick. As you've probably guessed someone I work with is in my opinion abusing the FMLA that they're currently on (under questionable reasons again in my opinion). The individual isn't a "young" person, whom unfortunately get labeled with no work ethics these days. This person is in their late 40's and has 2 adult children, plus 3 grandchildren. What are they teaching them?!? What kind of example are they setting? It sucks in this case that it makes you question if they're lying to you, to the point that 3 or 4 us spent work time googling the Internet to see if we could find something to substantiate the "story". FMLA is very important to a vast majority of the work force: maternity/paternity leave, taking care of a sick spouse, parent or child or if you have an ongoing illness like cancer or something. If you don't want to work, quit! Don't ruin something that others may need to depend on!

1 comment:

Sindi said...

When I worked at Hormel there was a guy that worked there that would use FLMA for when he had migraine headaches. Somehow he worked the system and I hear ya! That and the people who get all the medical assistance and benefits from my taxes and when I try to apply for Minnesota Care for insurance I'm denied. Too rich to be poor and to poor to be rich.