Friday, April 24, 2009

Update (just for Nichole)

This isn't too exciting but after having a colonoscopy and an EGD (endoscopy) they found I have an ulcer in my stomach. He said it was most likely caused by the Naproxen I take for arthritis and probably stress. So no more Naproxen or any aspirin like drugs (Ibuprofen, Motrin, etc). I can only take Tylenol for headaches and pain. I'm on 2 drugs for six weeks and then I have to have another EGD. The doctor is pretty sure this should heal it by then.


Nikki :) said...

Thank you. i like updates!

jjbaker9972 said...

Do you eat yogurt? I had a ulcer, well over a year ago. With the med's it cleared up, but I also eat an Actvia a day and that helps too! Hope you feel better soon!