Thursday, July 31, 2008

If Grandma Fred could see my garden....

She would be very disappointed as the weeds are coming along just fine. With my fractured ankle I haven't been able to get out there to do the hoeing that's needed. I'm naturally not including a picture as it's too embarrassing. Maurice finally hilled up the potatoes and pulled some weeds for me. We had a very late and cold spring so seeds and plants weren't put in until quite a bit later than normal, so all in all it's looking pretty good, just really late. In the back garden I've got 2 kinds of potatoes, sweet potatoes and onions, along with rhubarb, blueberries (that finally have some berries on them) and some sunflowers. They came up on there own from seeds that fell last year. In the front garden I've got some peppers, tomatoes, spinach, basil, green & yellow zucchini, pea pods, cucumbers plus more onions and a few sunflowers. The spinach and pea pods are done, the tomatoes and basil aren't doing very well, peppers don't look too bad, the zucchini just started taking off and the cucumber plants are still pretty small. We also have an apple tree that is full of apples this year which is great since last year it took a break and we didn't get one apple. Right now they're about the size of a golf ball and Maggie (the dog) has been pulling them off the lower branches and using them as a toy. She rolls them down the driveway and then chases after them.


Sindi said...

I'm pretty good at growing weeds too. I am constantly having to pull weeds out the roses as I always forget to put that Preen stuff down...or whatever it is that Mom talks about.

Anonymous said...

If you have extra basil, we will take some off your hands. We really enjoyed the pesto that we made the last time you gave us some of your good greens!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry that your injury has gotten in the way of your "hoeing" HEHEHE